Littoral SDF Militants Gang Up Against Jean Michel Nintcheu’s Re-Election Plan

-says his stay at the helm will cause the party great loss
Hon Jean Michel Nintcheu, the outspoken SDF Littoral regional chairman’s days as head of the electoral district may only be numbered should the National Executive Committee, NEC rule in favour of a petition filed by militants in the Littoral region against his plots to seek re-election. There is said to be uneasy calm in the Littoral region ever since Jean Michel Nintcheu, who is being criticized for his highhandedness made known his intension to secure another mandate.  since January 2013,SDF Littoral has been plunged into crisis following the emergence of a dissident group led by theChairman of the Douala I Electoral District, Adolphe Same Lottin (now 4th Deputy Mayor of the  Douala I Council) who have been against the leadership of the Littoral Regional Chairman, Hon. Jean Michel Nintcheu. The Guardian Post has however independently gathered the plans of members of the opposing camp is to have Hon Jean Michel, who is a Bamileke ousted in order to have one of theirs (a Bassa) to replace him. To note that the reorganization exercise in the Littoral region has been programmed for December 12, 2015.
In a strongly worded petition addressed to the National Executive Committee, NEC and the National organizing secretary titled “ a  memorandum from SDF Littoral to the NEC Commission and the National organizing secretary” the petitioners indicate that the leadership of Jean Michel Nintcheu has been catastrophic causing the party great loss. “Today, the SDF in the Littoral Region has been confiscated, imprisoned and taken hostage by an individual: Honorable NINTCHEU Jean - Michel, who dictates based on his financial strength acquired by means of the parliamentary and Regional presidential mandates given to him by the people, with the hope that he was going to build a democratic governance at the National Assembly” part of the letter reads.

They added “We are now convinced that Honorable NINTCHEU Jean-Michel has betrayed and sold the SDF in the Littoral. We, the SDF militants feel deprived. This alienation creates frustration. Frustration develops two antagonistic attitudes: violence and setback (giving up, crying, and withdrawal). The SDF Littoral militants are at the threshold of frustration”.
 In their letter, the militants say for 12 years that Hon Jean Michel Nintcheu has been at the helm in the region, he has transformed the party into one that now encourages tyranny, corruption, confusion, fear and indolence. He is being indicted to have perpetrated oligarchy and continues to buy time so as to get to 2018 for which if nothing is done to stop him, 2018 will be another electoral calamity within the Littoral district.
In concluding, the Militants states further “Just as it is written in our preamble, we commit ourselves to protect and save the party in the Littoral at all cost, to guarantee an overwhelming victory in 2018 and stripping off ills like tribalism, nepotism, corruption, wastage, favoritism, all forms of discriminations, moral decadence”

Facts about SDF Littoral
The present regional executive committee was elected into office in 2009 for a 4 year mandate (art 18.1 of the constitution).  The said mandate was to end in 2013. In 2015, a new Regional executive committee, a group of militants argue would have been mid-way into its mandate.
To recall that NEC on the 16th of February 2013 NEC had opted for a reinforcement team in view of the lunching of the reorganization of the region yet results were not forthcoming as crisis took central stage.
Attempts to reorganise the wards and districts in the Littoral have always been futile. After the failures of the Asapngu led delegation another headed Senator Tsomelou was put in place by NEC. The first outing of the new envoy from NEC to the Littoral Region for the reorganization of basic organs of the party, was on November 23, 2014. He reportedly met with local party officials across the Region during an enlarged extraordinary session of the Littoral Executive Committee that was convened by Hon Nintcheu and attended by members of the dissident group, including their leaders, Adolphe Same Lottin and Elimbi Lobe.Then on December 9, 2014, Senator Tsomelou released the programme for the reorganisation of the basic organs of the SDF which have so far taken place with that of the regional still pending.
