The Evil that Fako CPDM Barons have done to Mayor Ekema Patrick By Peterkins Manyong (Guest writer and Publisher of The Independent Observer Newspaper)

It is Mark Anthony, the orator in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” who says “ the evil that men do, leave after them” He makes this declaration soon after the assassination of his friend, Julius Caesar by conspirators, people whom Caesar had always considered his most intimate friends. The statement implies that people pay for their misdeeds after death. But following the law of karma, evil doers are punished right here on earth. This is particularly the case with politicians. Most of them pay for their political blunders both here and in the hereafter.
On Monday November 16,2015, something very unusual happened in Buea. The list of Mayor Ekema Patrick Esunge who had expressed his intension to run for the post of section president of Fako III was rejected on the flimsy excuse that he deposited it late. This analyst actually understands that his list was deposited in the early hours Monday November 17, 2015 which was the deadline. A political day is not a working day. This implies that even up to mid night of that day his list was still admissible. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that there was some foul play. The electoral commission that rejected the list was headed by Emmanuel Kontchou, the Director of the Buea National school of public works. We will not waste time trying to establish whether there is any relationship between Emmanuel Kontchou and the infamous Kontchou that we know. What we can establish without fear of contradiction is that he was just a little bird dancing in the middle of the road and that his drummers were actually Fako III CPDM officials in high places. We understand that prior to the rejection of the list, pressure had mounted on Ekema to succumb to the idea of a consensus list. It is worth recalling that a meeting had actually taken place in Yaounde during which some Fako CPDM elite took upon themselves to bar elected officails (mayors,senators,Mps)from gunning for positions within the sections in Fako. These included, Senator Peter Mafany Musonge , Hon Lifaka Emelia et al.But Ekema who understands the party text so well and particularly the circular convening the electorate decided not to bow to pressure and maintained that the polls should decide. This was interpreted by these barons as an act of arrogance. Following the circular, the issue consensus should be more of an exception and not a rule. Infact the vibrancy of the CPDM party is manifested more when several lists compete than where there is a consensus. And those who are trying to impose consensus are creating wounds that may take time to heal. The truth is that these barons (and baronesses) knew that if Ekema’s list was allowed to sail through, he would beat his challenger(s). Their fear was understandable given that 23 out of 30 sub sections that make up Fako III including Fako chiefs had declared their loyal and unconditional support Ekema’s bid of becoming section president. The apprehension of the Fako CPDM elite brings to mind the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Jews understood the limit of the powers of those ruling them for instance they knew that the powers of Pontius Pilate came from the Roman emperor and therefore knew how far he could go with them, So didn’t fear him. But the strange superiority of Jesus Christ frightened them because they never knew the source of his powers and therefore couldn’t fathom the extent to which these powers could be used to harm them. That is why they wanted him crucified! Like Christ, Ekema is a crowd puller, an orator and an ideologue.
But there is another reason why the Fako political Pharisees are scared of Ekema. Since Mayor Ekema was received by President Paul Biya in Buea for close 30mininutes (without an interpreter) during the celebrations of the golden jubilee of Cameroon’s reunification he has not disclosed what he and the president discussed. This is actually the source heart and headache to them and they saw no better opportunity to destroy his political career than by disqualifying for an election which could have given him landslide victory. And they are not stopping at that, they want him jailed for haven’t caused the disruption of the polls meanwhile Ekema had actually called on him supporters to be calm. What the elite are doing is what S.T Coleridge calls “the motive hunting of a motiveless malignity”. This means they first conceived the idea of destroying Ekema and are looking for excuses. This certainly is an exercise in futility. President Biya actually has security on what transpired and it will not be possible for Fako to persuade him to the contrary. What the Fako political Pharisees seems to forget is that as John Milton says “revenge, though sweet at first, better ere long, back on itself recoils”. This means that not long from now, the authors of the sabotage will reap the sour grapes of their mischief. Just as tyrannical parents indirectly promote a love affair by trying to destroy it, the efforts to destroy the love between Ekema and the population of Fako III will rather fuel or enhance it. John Drayden tells us that “pity never ceases to be shown to one who makes the people’s cry his own”. Ekema has manifested concern for the development of Buea and the populations cherish him for that. These political Methuselahs think that they will continue to call the shots while the youth applauded them. The open support for Ekema is an indication that it is the end game for them. The day of reckoning is no longer far. Wilson Churchill tells us that “democracy is more vindictive than cabinets; that the war of the people will be more terrible than that of kings”. The future belongs to those who belief in the beauty of their dreams. Ekema has a dream for the Buea municipality, so the future belongs to people like him. Though the Fako III CPDM kingmakers have succeeded in imposing their own candidate, all is not the end, he is still young and has more rungs to climb on the political leader.


  1. A highly controvercial report depicting pipper was paid to push our this tune.
    The truth is above what cheaply bought press men like this write. The truth is written on the wall. Read it.
    Although you survive on falsehood know your version is a non event. We the FAKO people donot entertain childishness rather we cherish unity. We are united and strong. CPDM FAKO III is vibrant.

  2. Mr Moki-Vainda, it makes sense to state that your comments smack of bad faith to an individual. In as much as we respect your opinion, be remember that the allegations made against this writer are derogatory and damaging. You may want to pull down certain portions of your unfleshy comments


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